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Admin Registration

Last modified: October 18, 2022
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Registration: To access AccountSight for personal or business use, you first need to register for it. Once your registration is successful, a subdomain specific to you or your organization will be created and accordingly a unique URL will be created. You will be assigned as the Administrator for the account. You can go to the URL, login using your credentials and access AccountSight anytime, anywhere. As an administrator, you can create users, time tracking, expense tracking and billing related configurations.

Follow the steps below for Admin Registration:

1] Go to the Sign Up page in AccountSight website.

2] Full up basic information like NameEmail IdPassword etc.

3] Fill up specific information like Company NameDesired URLNo. of Users etc.

4] Submit all the information.

5] Once you submit, a confirmation mail will be sent to you with your subdomain URL. You can access AccountSight as the Admin of your account within few seconds after confimation.

About AccountSight: AccountSight is a robust and easy online time tracking, resource forecasting, expense recording and invoicing software.

AccountSight offers:

  • Fast and most user-friendly time, time-off and expense tracker
  • Extensive resource planning and forecasting
  • Approval workflows for up to 5 levels of approval workflow for time, time-off and expenses
  • Automatic reminders on timesheet, expense and billing submissions and approvals
  • Bill customers based on employee project time and expenses
  • Recurring and subscription based online billing
  • Powerful Dashboards and reports for Online Project Management and report
  • Quick 360 degrees dashboard view of project portfolio, time & expense, invoices and outstanding invoicing with aging summary
  • Drill-down directly from dashboards into time, expenses and Invoicing reports

For more information and to learn about free time tracking software trial period, please click on the link: https://www.accountsight.com/registration/.

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