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Configure PayPal Account for Online Payment

Last modified: January 4, 2023
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Using the PayPal integration functionality in AccountSight, users can provide the option to their customers for seamless and instant online payment of pending invoices. PayPal ensures a secure and direct money transfer from the customer to the user’s account which essentially reduces the instances of late manual payments and helps users manage their cash flow efficiently by reducing accounts receivables.

A prerequisite for using the PayPal integration is to have a PayPal business account so that payments can be made directly online to that account. The user must configure his/her PayPal account in AccountSight in order to implement this feature effectively.

Follow the steps below to Configure PayPal Account for Online Payment:

1] Login to the AccountSight account as Admin and go to the Settings tab.

2] Within the Settings tab, go to the Invoices sub tab.

3] Click on the PayPal Payment section.

4] Enter your PayPal id in the text box and then click on Save button.

5] If you want to update PayPal id, please click on Edit button.

6] To deactivate the PayPal feature and continue the manual payment method, click on the Disable button.

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