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Deliver Estimate to Prospective Client

Last modified: September 8, 2022
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Using the project estimates functionality in AccountSight, users can easily and quickly create online estimates in order to put online bids or contracts to prospective clients and to win the projects by providing realistic estimates. Only after the estimate is approved by the prospect, the project work can be started and the estimate can be converted into invoice for future needs.

Once the estimate is ready, it can be deliver it directly to the potential client via email from the system. Only Admin has the authority to create and send project estimates.

Follow the steps below to Deliver Estimate to Prospective Client:

1] Logged in as Admin or Project Manager, go to the Invoices tab.

2] Within the Invoices tab, go to the Estimates sub tab.

3] Click on the Estimate Number of the particular draft estimate that is yet to be delivered and that you want to send to the prospect.

4] Click on the Email Estimate option. An email message box will pop up.

5] Select the accurate recipients and fill in the other details like SubjectMessage etc. Click on Send Estimate. An email with the estimate details will be sent to the prospect.

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