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Time Entry Overview

Last modified: October 18, 2022
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About AccountSight: AccountSight is a fast and easy online time tracking, expense recording and invoicing software. It is a highly useful cloud based application for small businesses, consultants and freelancers for maintaining timesheets and billing online as well as for mid-size companies that require online projects management, employee time & expense tracking and billing capabilities. The rich functionality and hassle free user experience makes AccountSight unique.

This Time Entry pages walks through the Time entry and approval process in the AccountSight Software. This demonstration covers:

  • Fast and most user-friendly online system for accurate Time and Expense Tracking
  • Save timesheet as needed and complete later
  • Timesheet approval workflow
  • Approval notification via email and system
  • Print timesheet or email for physical signature of the client
  • Export results of Time & Expense Tracking to Excel for your analysis
  • Export results of Time & Expense Tracking to PDF


Additional features of AccountSight Time & Expense Tracking:

  • Powerful Dashboards for management
  • Quick 360 degrees view of Time, Expense, Invoices, Outstanding invoicing with aging summary
  • Powerful Time, Expense and Invoice reports with filters to slice and dice the data
  • Drill-down directly from dashboards into Time, Expense and Invoicing reports to review details
  • Easily view and automatically mark invoiced Time and Expenses

Time Entry Overview: Time Entry using AccountSight is a very easy and simple process. Before users can enter time into timesheets, the Admin first needs to configure Time and Expense Setting. Once the settings are done, users can login to their account and submit their timesheets for the projects they are assigned to and particularly for the tasks that come under those specific projects.

The Time Entry process consists of the following activities:

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