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Calendar Setup

Last modified: October 18, 2022
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You can define multiple holiday calendars based on your organization’s needs. If your employees are in multiple countries, you may have to define one or more calendars per country. For organizations with employees on a US Federal project, they may need to follow a different holiday calendar than those working on internal company project or commercial projects. When employees apply for time off, weekends and calendar holidays hours are automatically calculated and removed from the calendar.

Click on ‘+Holiday Calendar’ to define the holiday calendar.

Navigation: Settings –> Time & Expense –> Time Off –> +Holiday Calendar

Enter the name and description of the holiday calendar and click on ‘Add New Calendar’

Click on the pencil icon next to the entry to edit calendar to change the name. Alternately click on the number of holidays links to define holidays.

Enter the name and date of the holiday and click on the ‘Add Holiday’ button. Complete your calendar and assign to employees under the time and expense people setting.

Related Pages:

Time-Off Setup Overview
Time-Off Tasks Setup
Approval Routing Setup
Time-Off Request and Approval

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