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Expense Entry

Last modified: October 18, 2022
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AccountSight is a very functionality rich yet easy to use expense tracking software. Similar to the time tracking features, AccountSight’s expense tracker allows users to record and submit all expenses within the project scope. The processes of tracking expenses and approving expense sheets are simple and hassle free.

Users must first of all be assigned to a particular project by the Admin so that they can submit expenses for the project. Also Admin has to define the eligible Expense Types in the system beforehand.

Follow the steps below to define the Expense Types:

1]   Navigate to Expenses entry Link: https://yourcompany.accountsight.com

      Username: youremail@yourcompany.com (Your registered email)

      Password:   xxxxxxx (as per account setup email)

 2]  To enter your expenses, please navigate to the ‘Expenses’ tab and select expense entry week for entry using arrows, current week or week from calendar.

Select Date, Project and Expense Category, $ or units, Comments and optionally attach the expense receipt. Click on ‘Add Row’ button to add expense line as you see in the screenshot.

3]  Expenses has auto-save enabled i.e. when you tab through to the next the expense entry line after adding of previous, expense lines are automatically saved. There is no additional saving required. If you have multiple expense sheets saved, you can access them all under ‘Saved’ Tab. You can enter description for the entire expense sheet using notes icon on top of the expense sheet. Files can be attached at the expense header level also.

Any number of project and expense category combination rows can be added to the expense sheet.

4] You may also upload the expense via excel. You will need to click on the Excel icon under Expense Tab.

a) Download a sample template and update as per instructions and save on your computer.

b) Choose the updated file on the screen.

c) Upload the excel file. 

Please click on Submit button after completing the expenses. Submitted expenses are routed to the Approver(s). 

5]  Pending expenses can be viewed under ‘Pending approval’ until approved.

6] After approval, you can see the expenses under the ‘Approved’ tab.

7] Approved expenses view:

 8] Rejected expenses are moved to the ‘Saved’ tab and will be highlighted in red color.

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