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Submit Timesheet for Approval

Last modified: October 18, 2022
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AccountSight is one of the most efficient and user friendly time tracking software. Users can easily record time and attendance by filling up online timesheets in AccountSight without any hassle. They can flawlessly track time and manage the weekly time sheet by updating it, submitting on time and having manager’s approval.

Users can submit timesheets instantly after filling it up. Or they can save it temporarily and submit it later at a convenient time. Users can also have multiple timesheets saved over time and can submit all of those timesheets together.

Follow the steps below to Submit Timesheet for Approval:

1] Login to AccountSight account and go to Time tab.

2] In the Time tab page, go to New sub tab. Open a blank timesheet and do the Time Entry.

3] After Time Entry, Click on Submit to instantly submit that timesheet for manager’s approval.

4] Within the Time tab, go to Saved sub tab. All the saved timesheets will be shown here. Select a timesheet or a number of timesheets that you want to submit by ticking the corresponding check boxes.

5] Click on Submit to submit one or multiple timesheets for manager’s approval.

6] You can see a notification in My Notification section in your Home page regarding your timesheet submission.

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