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Communication to Customers

Last modified: October 18, 2022
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AccountSight‘s time and expense billing software offers fast and accurate invoicing options to its customers. Once all the billable hours are submitted and approved for a particular time period, the Project Manager can generate invoices. There are different types of invoices that can be generated. AccountSight also has a simple way of communicating with clients to deliver invoices and receive payments.

Once the invoice is ready, the Project Manager needs to communicate it to the customer in order to receive the payment on time. The Project Manager can directly send the invoice to the customer via email and initiate the payment process.

Follow the steps below for Communication to Customers:

1] Logged in as Admin or Project Manager, go to the Invoices tab.

2] Within the Invoices tab, go to the Standard or Recurring sub tab as needed.

3] Click on the Invoice Number of the particular draft invoice that is yet to be invoiced and that you want to send to the customer.

4] Click on the Email Invoice option. An email message box will pop up.

5] Select the accurate recipients and fill in the other details like SubjectMessage etc. Click on Send Invoice. An email with the invoice details will be sent to the customer.

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