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Time-Off Tasks Setup

Last modified: October 18, 2022
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AccountSight provides out-of-the-box pre-defined time-off tasks. If the pre-defined tasks don’t meet your requirements, you can set new ones and ignore the pre-defined tasks.

Navigation: Settings –> Time & Expense –>Tasks

Select the Time-off check box for Time-off tasks.

Navigate to the time-off policy screen to setup time-off for your organization.
Navigation: Settings –> Time & Expense –>Time-off
Enable the check box of the required task your organization will use and save it.
In the People settings we can set the time-off policy. Time-off types defined for your organization in the time-off policy screen will appear as default on the employee setup if you select ‘Set Time-off Policy’ as Yes.
Navigation: Settings–> Time & Expense –> People–> Create/Edit Employee
You can enable, disable and/or set policy for each employee differently.
You can also set the approval path in the people settings. You setup the default time-off approval routing for your organization in the ‘Approval Routing’ screen and change it at employee level if the time-off approval path is different for different employees. You can also select the time-off calendar. Multiple time-off calendars can be defined in AccountSight.
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