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Export Invoice data from AccountSight to QuickBooks Invoices

Last modified: October 18, 2022
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Here are the steps to transfer your invoice data to QuickBooks:

  1. Integrate your AccountSight account with QuickBooks
  2. Complete your QuickBooks expenses mapping under Settings > Integrations > QuickBooks Desktop > Invoice Mapping
  3. Export invoice data in CSV format from your AccountSight report (Reports > Invoices) . CSV file contains converted values in case of custom mapping for QuickBooks.

Follow the steps below to export invoice data from AccountSight to QuickBooks:

Step 1) Follow the instructions and install the QuickBooks ASync utility.

Step 2) AccountSight Expense Data Mapping with QuickBooks Bills

The following are the default field mapping to export data from AccountSight to QuickBooks:

  • AccountSight Customer Name same as QuickBooks Customer Name
  • AccountSight Project Name same as QuickBooks Job Name
  • AccountSight Task/Category Name same as QuickBooks Item/Account Name
  • AccountSight Employee/Contractor Name same as QuickBooks Employee/Contractor Name
  • AccountSight Payment Term Name same as QuickBooks Payment Term Name

You can update the default mapping  to No on mapping option ‘Do you want AccountSight XXXXX Name to exactly match QuickBooks XXXXXX?’ under each tab (Invoice Item (Item), Payment Terms, Customer and Project) to enable your custom mapping.

Mapping Options
Invoice Item (Item) 1. Default Option ‘Yes’ for ‘Do you want AccountSight Invoice Item Name to exactly match QuickBooks Item?’ will require each Invoice Item in QuickBooks be setup with same name as AccountSight.

2. If you select No, you can map each Invoice Item to a specific Item.

Payment Terms 1. Default value ‘Yes’ for option ‘Do you want AccountSight Payment Term Name to exactly match QuickBooks Payment Term?’ will require each Payment Term in QuickBooks be setup with exactly the same name as AccountSight.

2. If you setup this option as No, you can map each Payment Term to a specific Payment Term in QuickBooks.

 Customer 1. Default Option ‘Yes’ for ‘Do you want AccountSight Customer Name to exactly match QuickBooks Customer name?’ will require each Customer in QuickBooks be setup with same name as AccountSight.

2. If you select No option for ‘Do you want AccountSight Customer Name to exactly match QuickBooks Customer name?’, you can map each Customer to a specific customer.

Note: If you don’t add a mapping for any Customer, those name will be used ‘as- is’ while exporting to QuickBooks from AccountSight.
Project (Job) 1. Selecting default Option as ‘Yes’ for ‘ Do you want AccountSight Projects Name to exactly match QuickBooks Job name? will require each job in QuickBooks be setup  with same name as AccountSight.

2. If you setup option as No, you can map each Project to a specific job.

Note: If you don’t add a mapping for any Project, those name will be used ‘as- is’ while exporting from AccountSight to QuickBooks.

Step 3) Process to Export AccountSight Invoice Data to QuickBooks

1) Login to your AccountSight account as the admin. Go to Reports -> Invoice tab. Use the filters to choose the CustomerProject, Invoice Status and other options. Click on the QuickBooks Export button to save the filtered data in proper CSV format.

2) Open the ASync icon installed in your machine. Enter your AccountSight credentials and login. The UI will appear on your screen as shown below:

To import invoice data to QuickBooks, first click on the Select Invoice CSV button on the ASync UI and then browse and select your previously saved CSV file containing the weekly expense data. The data from the CSV file will appear on the UI screen:

On the bottom left of the ASync UI, there are two buttons: Validate and Import to QBValidate button can be used to just validate the selected data, to check if there is any error in the data.

Import to QB button is used for both validations and import.

Now you can check in your QuickBooks UI that all the invoice data from the CSV file has been successfully imported there.

Related Pages:

Integrate AccountSight with QuickBooks
Time Tracking Integration with QuickBooks Timesheet and Payroll
Export Expense data from AccountSight to QuickBooks Bills

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