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Time Is What Organizations Want Most, But What Many Use Poorly

Resource Forecasting and Planning
19 February, 2018

Peter Drucker, a renowned management consultant, once said: “Time is the scarcest resource, and unless it is managed, nothing else can be managed”. Good time management in an organization increases productivity, as vital projects and tasks tend to get done first and on time. With that said, here are three key strategies organizations can employ to ensure their time is managed and utilized effectively?

Setting priorities and goals

Setting goals and priorities help organizations identify the tasks or items in the overall workload that need to be executed according to the level of their magnitude. Attending to assignments linked to your goals, whether they are long-term, medium, or short-term, can save your organization a lifetime of stress. In few words, goal-setting and prioritization ensure that projects are addressed in a manner that doesn’t waste organizations’ time.

Utility of time tracking software

Just laying out these priorities and goals isn’t enough. Too often, managers and their employees are caught up in day-to-day assignments and never get the time to work on these goals, especially long-term ones. This is where the handiness of time tracking software or work hour tracker systems comes in.

Ever since organizations started embracing these applications in their time management processes, many benefits have been realized including, proper management of projects, proper allocation of tasks based on the availability of personnel, and surety of completion of projects. However, the biggest significance of using work hour tracker or any other time tracking tools is managers can properly monitor the in-time and out-time of their staff. In this way, they can decide whether the current time usage plans are effective and productive.

Fewer, more effective meetings

To better manage organization time, managers should only schedule meetings which are necessary. Ineffective meetings are among the biggest time wasters in a normal work week. Meetings should have a detailed purpose; to solve a problem or make a decision. In essence, there should be a specific agenda of issues to be handled in a meeting and the amount of time assigned to each.


Business owners and managers need to realize the significance of time management in this ever-dynamic business environment. Every employee in an organization must be trained well to embrace effective time management and utilization practices to guarantee the overall productivity of the business.

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