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Create Project Estimates

Create Project Estimates for Prospective Clients Effortlessly With AccountSight v2.20

Project Estimates
31 January, 2014

Preparing a simple and useful project estimate is a crucial part of any project management. When you are doing business with your client, you must first give your client an idea about how many hours you need to complete the project and what are the other expenses to be incurred for the project. If your client is not happy with your estimates, you may not get the project at all.

Especially for freelance professionals, contractors and independent consultants who work alone or in small groups, it is very important to submit a realistic project estimate in order to gain the confidence of the client and to win the project. If you provide a high estimate, you may lose the project. On the other hand, providing a very low estimate may affect your profit margin.

As always, AccountSight has come up with a solution to provide a better experience for its users to efficiently manage project estimates. AccountSight v2.20, the latest release of one of the most user friendly time and expense tracking software in the market, has introduced project estimates, a new advanced functionality. Before starting a new project, users now can submit an online estimate of the project to the client through the system. The online estimate simply contains detail of all the cost items: quantity, total amount, tax levels, discounts offered etc. With such an estimate in hand, potential clients can verify if the costs are reasonable and if they should go ahead with the green signal for the project.

There are various types of cost items that you can include in your estimate. For example, products (e.g., material purchases), services (e.g. billable hours), contracting services, service orders and supply orders. You can also add new items like any administrative cost or equipment charges etc. if required. Once your estimate is ready, you can directly email it to your client instantly.

This new project estimate functionality makes it simpler for you to win over your client. You can have the following helpful benefits with project estimates:

  • Create online project estimates for your clients in seconds.
  • Professional and stylish PDF templates for project estimates to include personalized branding for prospective clients.
  • Configure your cost items and add notes optionally.
  • Email project estimates to potential clients.
  • Predefined templates to impress your clients.
  • Generate project estimates in multiple currencies. So regardless of which country the user or potential clients are located in, the user can send international estimates and expand globally.
  • Maintain and monitor status of all sent, accepted and rejected bids easily for each project estimate.
  • Copy or delete any existing estimate easily.
  • Easily capture comments from prospective clients.
  • Convert the project bids into invoices as soon as the quote is converted into an order.

 With all the aforementioned benefits, your project management is going to be better and faster.

 Register to AccountSight v2.20 and feel the difference!

 AccountSight is a fast and easy online time tracking, expense tracking and invoicing software. It is a highly useful cloud based application for businesses, consultants and freelancers for maintaining weekly time sheets and billing online as well as for mid-size companies that require online projects management, employee timesheet & expense tracking and online invoicing capabilities.

AccountSight offers:

  • Fast and most user-friendly time and expense tracker
  • Efficient Timesheet and Expense approval workflow
  • Save employee timesheet and expenses as needed and complete later
  • Automatic reminders on timesheet, expense and billing submissions and approvals
  • Bill customers based on employee project time and expenses
  • Recurring and subscription based online billing
  • Powerful Dashboards and reports for Online Project Management and report
  • Quick 360 degrees dashboard view of time & expense, invoices and outstanding invoicing with aging summary
  • Drill-down directly from dashboards into time, expenses and Invoicing reports

 The rich functionality and hassle free user experience makes AccountSight unique.

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