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Time Reporting

Last modified: October 18, 2022
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AccountSight has a very rich and powerful reporting tool along with the time and billing software. It gives an array of options for the users to slice and dice data for analysis and offers reports for timeexpenses and invoices separately. These reporting features make AccountSight a unique employee time management software.

Timesheet reports help you limit unproductive hours and boost productivity with its comprehensive feature set and can directly sync with Quickbooks and Xero.

1. Timesheet report by date, person customer, project, task, department, approval status, invoice status, employee/contractor payment status. Filters for all parameters and multiple display formats. This report can be synced to QuickBooks also directly.

Follow the steps below for Timesheet Report:

1] Login to AccountSight account as Admin. You can also login as a Project Manager. Admin has access to the whole database whereas Project Manager has access only to his project database.

2] Go to Reports tab.

3] Within Reports, go to the Time sub tab.

4] Choose the filters as per your requirement. Select the Time Period. Select the Customer(s) and Project(s). Select the Person(s) and Task(s).

5] Also select timesheet Approval Status as well as Invoice Status in case you have selected Approved as Approval Status.

6] Click on Search. The consolidated list will be displayed below.

7] You can also Group By the list according to CustomerProjectTaskPerson or Date.

8] You can further shorten the list by manually ticking the check boxes beside each row of entries.

9] Once you have your desired list of entries, you can transfer the data into files. Click on Export to get the data in an Excel file.

10] Click on Get PDF to get the data in a pdf file.

11] Click on Print to get a printout of the datasheet.

2. Daily Time Entry with Comments: Timesheet report that also includes time entry comments.

3. Timesheet with Project Details: Timesheet report along with information about the project, project classification (like roadmap, strategic etc), SDLC cycle, Billable, Budget levets), person location, role, job etc.

4. Timesheet Approval Audit: Audit of each timesheet from submission to approval/rejection, reapproaval etc. (For DCAA compliance audit)

5. Missing Timesheet: If employees/contractors forget to submit the timesheet even after getting automated reminders setup, run the report and email to all with missing timesheet at a click of a button.

6. Billing Information:

    a)Time Billing information: Provides the project time billing amount by customer, project and dates with totals.

 b)Time and Expense Billing Summary: Report provides project time and expense summarized billing for the time period specified in the report.

Related Pages:

Reporting Overview

Expense Reporting

Invoice Reporting

Attendance Report

Resource Allocation

Utilization Report

Budget Report

Cost Report

Resource Report

Profitability Report

Resource Management Planning Report

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